Madagascar Jasmine

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Name: Madagascar Jasmine
Scientific Name: Stephanotis Floribunda
Family: Asclepiadacea

Soil: A good mix of rich organic soil with good drainage is preferred .
Sun: Jasmine usually likes sunlight in abundance, but in this section of country, too much sun might burn their leaves. So it is recommended to put it under some sort of place where it can be sheltered from the afternoon sun.
Water: Water as needed.
Fertilizer: Without much sun light and fertilizer, the jasmine doesnĄ¯t flower, just grown leaves. Therefore, it is important to feed it fertilizer for acid love plants. With the Acid Food for Azalea, Camellia, and Rhododendron, they are growing quite happily. I will also try a Dr. Q's Acid Food.
Care: Sometime the newly grown vines have to be guided and some small branches have to be trimmed so a better shape can be maintained. When grown indoors as a house plant, it is highly recommended to immediately provide it with either trellis or a pole to climb, for its twisting vines an grow quite quickly. Cleaning the leaves with a solution of water and light dish washing liquid helps plant look healthy.
Tips: Avoid moving the plant during the flowering period, or the beautiful white buds will drop .


For those who enjoys fragrant flowers, jasmine is must-have. While the individual flowers might not carry much fragrance individually, the number of flowers more than makes up for it. Most types of jasmine are either vines or shrubs, and can grown much bigger and produce more flowers when planted outside; however, almost all of them can be grown in the pots as well. Jasminum sambac is one that is usually grown in pots. Because most of them canĄ¯t handle cold winter very well, it is better to move them indoors during cold winter.

Though it has the strong scent that similar to true jasmine, the Madagascar jasmine or Bridal Wreath is in the family of Asclepiadacea. With deep green waxy leaves and large porcelain-like flowers that emit a sweet fragrance, it is no wonder the flower is used as bridal wreath.

Because it is a tropic plant, it is better to treat it as a house plant. It prefers bright spots with moderate temperature. If left outside during warm weather, it should be moved indoors before temperatures drop below 40 degree F.


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